Consulting Services

Corporate Consulting
Along with risk-management services provided to our corporate clients, we provide hands-on and written consultation for various aspects of corporate security. If you’re wondering whether it is best to hire in-house security professionals and security management, or hire contractors, there is much to consider with these options and both offer pros and cons and come with their own inherent liabilities. Our approach is to identify the needs, recommend actions and help you decide which approach is best for the scope of work being necessary. With years of security management, hiring, contracting and training experience, we’ll provide you a well-balanced solution to your needs and guide you through the regulatory components. Don’t let security companies sell you products and services and promise (but never guarantee) effectiveness without consulting with an industry expert. We’ll help you negotiate your contract to make sure you are getting the service you deserve from a contractors and personnel who are capable of serving you.

Security Company Consulting
Whether you’re starting a new security company, or developing a growing security company, Stratus Defense can help. We’ve felt those same growing pains and will guide you from experience. Those who aim to reduce their liabilities and increase their performance will be successful and we can get you there.

  • Policy development (use of force, SOPs)
  • Contract/Post orders designed to encourage performance
  • On-site training at your contracted sites with one of our expert instructors
  • Operations management training